Wednesday 25 March 2015

NRM and Marie

Yesterday Marie from NRM came to school to see our chickens. Last year NRM donated 3 bags of chicken feed to us. This year Marie and NRM are donating a bag every month!! Wow! We are lucky! That will save us a lot of money.
Marie also gave us a special spray that will get rid of any bugs that may be lurking around. She also left some booklets with lots of information for us, so if we need to know anything we can just look it up. If we get extra stuck we are allowed to email Marie too.
Thanks so much NRM and Marie. The Toko kids and Toko chickens really appreciate your donation.

Maree’s Visit

Today Maree from NRM came to room4 to come and see our chickens and how we’re going, she told us that each fully grown chicken should only eat 130gms of grain.                          
We learnt that the chickens normally stop laying in the winter and that in the winter they need a warm space to keep them laying eggs, so we have some to sell. Isabel, Liam and Jordan went to show Maree and Mrs Waite the chicken coop, then Liam lifted the bottom brooder boxes lid up and we saw one of the chickens laying but she was shaking, Maree said it wants to have babies. We learnt a lot of new things from her and (we won’t forget them.) Maree gave us a document with two chook books and a spray to keep the bugs away and to stop the chickens from getting fleas.

On the way back to class Isabel ran to tell Mrs Hancock that one of the chickens is wanting to have babies then Liam and the others walked through the door and told Mrs Hancock what Isabel told her. By the time it was morning tea time Emma, Pippa and Mackenzie C  went see who the chicken was and it was ‘Snowy’ and the separated her into a small place.

By Isabel, Jordan and Liam

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Our New Babies

These are our new babies. Sadly Tiger died overnight, so now we only have 6 babies left. We have named them and started writing biographies for each of them. We'll post them on our chicken blog when they are finished.

All Things Eggy

Today was a very egg-y / chicken-y day in Room 4. We have so many eggs from our hens that we decided rather than letting them go to waste we would eat them. So with the help of Treena we made scrambled eggs with bacon and fried eggs too. At the same time we emptied out the incubator and put our 7 new babies into the brooder box. We opened all the eggs that didn't hatch and found a lot of fully formed but dead chickens. Next week we'll investigate what might have gone wrong. Also if you check out our chicken blog later in the week you'll get to meet our 7 newest babies. 

Hatch Day

Today, Wednesday, was Hatch Day for the chickens we are incubating in Room 4. When we arrived at school this morning there were 3 eggs with little chip holes in them. By the end of school today those little holes were very big holes! We waited until 4.30 but they still hadn't made it out of their shells.  Here are some photos of the eggs and us watching them. Our room was very busy after school with kids and even a few mums popping in to check out our babies progress. I wonder what we'll find in the morning. .....

Thursday 12 February 2015

Fun with the Chooks

It was such a lovely day today in the sun. Everyone,  including the chickens, had fun at lunch time.

2015 - What's been happening?

Well our babies have really grown up over the summer.... Some of them have even started laying! !!! Talk about exciting! 
We've been so busy since school started back last week. We've planted more silver beet and chicken greens, we've changed the wood chip in the shed and we've cleaned and altered the nesting boxes. Check out these pics.....